Vinyl Explained.

Masters of Interior Resurfacing | Greater Toronto Area

Benefits of Vinyl.

All depends on the vinyl used (ie. a pressure sensitive cast vs a heat transferred calendered), the substrate it's bonded to (i.e. high energy flat horizontal glossy metal vs a rough vertical drywall), and the level of wear and tear it’s susceptible to (high traffic outdoors, vs indoors).

In General.

1. Adaptability - Softens with heat, hence it is well suited for any exterior and interior flat or curved surface. Vinyl film and vinyl sheets are excellent choices when versatility and value are a must. Made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), vinyl film and vinyl sheets are economical and durable they are used in many industries from automotive to health care.

2. Eco Friendly - Vinyl is a plastic material, which unlike other plastics, can easily be recycled. Our architectural vinyl films are eco-friendly and flame retardant with stable performance certified by relevant international testing agencies. Our suppliers manage the manufacturing process to produce high-quality material in a healthy, safe work environment while minimizing the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

3. Design Flexibility - With the advances of 3D printing, the possibilities of vinyl film are endless. Not to mention the advanced quality of print graphics, the uses of vinyl film are bountiful.

4. Odorless - Architectural film is a new way to renovate any space with no business interruptions, as most of our projects are done without the use of power tools. Traditional activity interruption result in unnecessary mess, dust, noise, odour, highly time-consuming and various limitations. The only order will be the primeir, which improves adhesion.

The House of Wrap Approach is:
+ Clean, silent, neat
+ Fast and easy installation
+ Most surface, any pattern, any conditions

5. Durability - Able to exist for a long time without significant deterioration in quality or value. You also have the option to add an extra layer of protection with additional overlay coating.

6. Texture - With the use of 3D printing, vinyl film is now used to mimic the look and feel of real finishes and print designs, with added durability.

7. Cost Effective - Vinyl Film can be manufactured to mimic real finishes at fractions of the cost and time.