Vinyl Explained.

Masters of Interior Resurfacing | Greater Toronto Area

How Long does Vinyl Last?

All depends on the vinyl used (ie. a pressure sensitive cast vs a heat transferred calendered), the substrate it's bonded to (i.e. high energy flat horizontal glossy metal vs a rough vertical drywall), and the level of wear and tear it’s susceptible to (high traffic outdoors, vs indoors).

In General.

Longevity can be increased with proper installation, including the requisite prep. However, in general during most applications, the subtraint will give before the overlay vinyl film ever does.

The longevity heavily depends on the vinyl film used during installation, such factors include:
- Pressure sensitive cast vs a heat transferred calendered
- The substrate it's bonded to
- High energy flat horizontal glossy metal vs a rough vertical drywall
- The level of wear and tear it’s susceptible to (high traffic outdoors, vs indoors).

In Summary.

Vinyl used in interior settings with low light, tends to last the longest, whereas on the other end of the spectrum, vinyl film applied to exterior settings tend to be most susceptible to wear and tear, hence decreasing its longevity.

Having said that, our warranty can range anywhere from 1 to 10 years, see your invoice for warranty details.