Vinyl Explained.

Masters of Interior Resurfacing | Greater Toronto Area

What is Vinyl?

Vinyl film is a versatile plastic that is a thin laminate film that can be installed to the interior or exterior of most surfaces in homes and buildings. Largely used for automobiles, Architectural Vinyl Film is beginning to gain main stream traction.

In General.

Vinyl, otherwise known as polyvinyl chloride, or PVC, is a thermoplastic material, which means that it can be reprocessed using heat. This property affords it the capability of being manufactured in a broad range of formats.Vinyl is not a natural substance but is a synthetic man-made material. It is a type of plastic that is made from ethylene (found in crude oil) and chlorine (found in regular salt). When processed, both the substances are combined to form Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) resin, or as is commonly referred to as - Vinyl. 3M™ DI-NOC™ Architectural Finishes are self-adhesive films that can stick to walls, doors, panels, ceilings, furniture and virtually any other surface. With a wide range of styles, colours and textures, they offer everything you need to update your space without needing to replace — just resurface.

In chemistry, vinyl or ethenyl is the functional group with the formula −CH=CH2. It is ethylene with one fewer hydrogen atom. An industrially important example is vinyl chloride, precursor to PVC, a plastic commonly known as vinyl.

Common Properties of VInyl.

- Vinyl is resistant to moisture and humidity.
- It is a very strong and durable plastic material.
- Vinyl can be manufactured in a variety of colors, both transparent and solid.
- Vinyl is a very low cost material to produce.
- Vinyl is a plastic material, which unlike other plastics, can easily be recycled.


Vinyl was first invented in 1920 by scientists who wanted to develop a material that would help to manufacture everyday products that were easier to make, more durable, and cheaper than what was available. Today, Vinyl has become the second largest manufactured and sold plastic resin in the entire world.

The most common use of vinyl is that in construction, especially as vinyl flooring and vinyl siding. In fact, these uses of vinyl are often thought of as its only uses. In addition to these, vinyl has many other uses because of its ability to combine with various additives and modifiers, thus making vinyl highly suitable to be used in the manufacture of many different products.

Environmentally Friendly.

Vinyl is a very environmentally friendly material, not only because it can be recycled, but also for many other reasons. Vinyl helps in the preservation of environmental resources as 57% of vinyl is made from common salt, which is a renewable natural substance. Non-replenish able resources such as crude oil only account for 43% of vinyl resin, thus making it nature friendly.

In comparison to various other materials used by the packing industry, vinyl requires lesser amounts of natural resources to make, utilizes much lesser energy for manufacture, and also releases lower emissions into the environment.

Thus vinyl, a synthetic man made material, has truly revolutionized the entire plastic resin industry. Because of the durability of vinyl, products made from this material have a long life span. Add to this the fact that the vinyl can then be recycled, translates into an even longer life of the vinyl plastic resin.